
XXY [ɛks/ɛks/wʌi] - 2018

"XXY [ɛks/ɛks/wʌɪ] by Clotilde is a transgender film; a sensitive, multidisciplinary experiment; an equation with several unknowns; a poetic work open to interpretation that overwhelms the senses and urges reflection." Mediapart

RHEA – Portrait number 1 of XXY [ɛks/ɛks/wʌi] - 2018

"A woman's voice that speaks, a voice that speaks stories of life and death, has the power to give life." —Paul Auster

RUBY – Portrait number 2 of XXY [ɛks/ɛks/wʌi] - 2018

"We've begun to raise daughters more like sons ... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters." —Gloria Steinem

ISHTAR – Portrait number 4 of XXY [ɛks/ɛks/wʌi] - 2018

"She opens up. And breathes forth a rainbow. A peony bud." —Yosa Buson

MAGDALENA – Portrait number 5 of XXY [ɛks/ɛks/wʌi] - 2018

"If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be." —Maya Angelo

HANNAH – Portrait number 6 of XXY [ɛks/ɛks/wʌi] - 2018

« Je suis comme une tulipe dans le désert. Je meurs avant de m'ouvrir. Et la brise du désert éparpille mes pétales. » Femme anonyme afghane

ENK’AÏ – Portrait number 7 of XXY [ɛks/ɛks/wʌi] - 2018

"As she sang, the shadows of the tall trees grew deeper and the light of the rising moon fell upon her, standing alone, set apart from our attentive circle." —Gérard de Nerval