Pieces of a song by Chris McCarthy and Clotilde
Since 2016, with her artist’s visa, Clotilde regularly spends several months in NYC and builds deep artistic and friendly ties. Thus in 2018, with the New York pianist Chris McCarthy, they wrote Pieces of a Song, a repertoire of original compositions woven from the rage and ecstasy of the texts of the Beat Generation poet, Diane di Prima.
The creation of this repertoire was produced with the support of the French American Jazz Exchange, a program of the FACE Foundationand of the cultural services of the French Embassy in the US, with the support of Florence Gould, the Ministère del aculture, the French Institut in Paris and the SACEM.
Photo credits: Robert I. Sutherland-Cohen, Joey Fischer
Scenic references: Rockwood Music Hall, Soapbox Gallery, The Cell and Blackbox Theater in NYC (USA), Lilypad in Boston (USA), New school of music in Cambridge (USA), Blue Strawberry in St Louis (USA), Fulton Street Collective in Chicago (USA)